
Mean Girls: Behind the Mask - Unlimited Access DVD


Mean Girls: Behind the Mask – Unlimited Access DVD


SKU: RAG003-WBD-ENG-0001 Categories: , , , Tags: ,
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Grades K-12
Mean Girls has become a common term in our society for labeling relationally aggressive girls; but do you ever wonder what is behind the mask? As girls experience the turbulent times of childhood and adolescence they often wear different masks to cover their fears, confusion and anxiety. Along with overwhelming feelings, girls may also use their masks to cover symptoms and behaviors that are worrisome: panic attacks; tearful, angry outbursts; self-injury; suicidal thoughts. If left untreated, girls are twice as likely as boys to develop an internalizing disorder such as depression or anxiety by mid-adolescence. The better we understand what is hidden behind the mask of mean girls the more effective we become in promoting the healthy development of confident, strong and well-adjusted young women.
n this informative 90-minute webinar, award-winning author and internationally recognized speaker, Steph Jensen takes a peek behind the mask of mean girls. Explore the fact and fiction behind the mean girl mask by identifying key areas for understanding the development of identity and self-worth in girls. Learn how gender-roles and culture, along with media messages, contribute to early development of girls identity and how those messages can contribute to unhealthy beliefs if left unchallenged. Learn tips and strategies to encourage resiliency, self-confidence and wellness that will help girls turn away from the mean girl mask and just be themselves.
This webinar will provide deeper insight and understanding of the combination of gender and aggression, and it will increase your ability to assist girls in developing a healthy sense of self-confidence and inner wellbeing by addressing the following topics:

Girls will be Girls: Biology and Brain Development
Mask Makers: Gender, Culture and Media
Saving Face: Mental Health and Internalizing Disorders
Removing the Mask: Resiliency and Wellness

Learning Objectives:

Understand the influence of biology and neurology on aggression.
nsights about the social world of girls from socio-cultural and developmental perspectives, including the impact of gender stereotypes on girls.
dentify the signs and symptoms of the top 3 internalizing disorders in girls.
Explore effective intervention strategies to build resiliency and wellness.
Learn new strategies to assist girls in developing a well-grounded sense of self-confidence and coping strategies that create a foundation of well-being.

Who Should Attend:

Classroom Teachers
School Counselors
School Psychologists
School Social Workers (beginner & intermediate)
Principals & Other Administrators
Special Education Personnel
School Resources Officers
Counselors & Therapists in Agencies & Private Practice

You Will Also Receive:
To augment the PowerPoint presentation and activities, each participant will receive a (PDF) resource packet of the presentation with ideas, reproducible forms, activities and other suggested resources.
About the Presenter:

Stephanie Jensen, MS is an award-winning author and international speaker recognized for her insight and understanding of relational aggression. She combines 15 years of practice in the fields of education and counseling with research, practical strategies and a little bit of humor to address challenging behaviors and build positive relationships with kids. She has held positions as classroom teacher, reading specialist, trainer, education consultant and international speaker. She holds a masters degree in clinical counseling, focusing her efforts on adolescent and family issues. In recent years Stephanie has applied her passion for adolescents to focus on the dynamics of relational aggression, Social-Emotional Learning, and positive behavior interventions. She is the author of Thrive in the Hive: Surviving the Girls World of Good and Bad Relationship Bee-Haviors, Moms Choice Award-winning Princess Priscilla and the Bully-Bee Day and Princess Priscilla and the Mood Ring Rainbow.
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