
Response-Ability Mats


Response-Ability Mats


Browse Wishlist


Response-Ability Mats can be a useful tool for Pre-K through Grade 2. The child sits on the first mat to regain composure, then moves to the second mat when he or she is ready to begin processing what happened and what he or she could have done differently. The child moves to the third mat when he or she is ready to work with the teacher.

Created as part of the Response-Ability Process within the Responsibility-Centered Discipline program, these sturdy, 12-inch, cushioned, anti-microbial mats are designed to develop self-regulation skills in students and to help students take ownership of their own behaviors. Although, the Response-Ability Process is sometimes confused with traditional time-based processes – including timeout and detention, Response-Ability Mats are not intended to be used as a punishment or consequence. The objective is to teach students to recognize when they are too emotionally charged to make the best decisions and to get them to a point where they can handle situations in a positive manner.

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Weight 907 g

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