
Unlocking Asperger's: Connecting and Guiding the Broader-Spectrum Student Single User


Unlocking Asperger’s: Connecting and Guiding the Broader-Spectrum Student Single User


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Grades K-12
Professional educators face unique challenges and opportunities when working with students with Aspergers syndrome. With many of these students being taught in inclusive classrooms, understanding how the Aspergers brain works is an essential skill for teachers, administrators, counselors and other school staff.
1 in 68 children now have autism spectrum disorders (ASD), according to the Centers for Disease Control, and the number is far more prevalent in males (1 in 42). A subset of those on the spectrum (about 1 in 250 of the general population) is considered to have Aspergers syndrome or high-functioning autism. And up to 50 percent of these students may be undiagnosed.
Autism can have a varied impact on each child. To the untrained observer, a child with Aspergers Syndrome may seem like a neurotypical student with behavior issues. In this 90-minute webinar, Autism Counselor-Educator Craig McCullough will help educators understand how students with Aspergers view the world versus other students on the Autism spectrum, or compared to students who are neurotypical. Children and youth with Aspergers typically have very high intelligence and good verbal skills, but are challenged when it comes to social behavioral cues and non-verbal communication. Mr. McCullough, who also parents a child with Aspergers, will reveal how the Aspergers brain functions, and draw upon that knowledge to provide strategies to help these students learn and grow in this often complex social world.
This information-packed webinar will cover:

Learning the language of ASD and autistic behaviors
Barriers to effective need fulfillment in a school setting
The role of developmental trauma to social anxiety at school and in the community
Tuning into social cognitive delays
Bridging the gap between autistic thinking and the neurotypical mind
The difference between a clinical diagnosis and the autistic world
Best practices in a school setting

Learning Objectives:

Identify connections between the effects of trauma, ASD and Aspergers
Create solutions and interventions to help students with Aspergers succeed at school
Address difficulties with transitions, sensory processing and other environmental stressors
Support improved linkage of schools with agencies supporting the developmentally challenged

Who Should Attend:

Classroom Teachers
Special Education Personnel
School Counselors
School Social Workers
Principals and Administrators
At-Risk Coordinators

About the Presenter:

Craig McCullough has been a counselor educator for the past 20 years working with children and families in various settings. These have included schools, residential day treatment facilities, inpatient hospital programs, community-based models and a traditional psychotherapy practice. He has specialized using various trauma-focused approaches. With the rise in the diagnosis of autism, Craig became more exposed to clients who were on the spectrum. He soon discovered the conventional wisdom surrounding autism to be not entirely adequate in appropriately treating the social and emotional struggles of this population. His family has also been given the challenge and privilege of raising a daughter diagnosed with Aspergers which has provided him additional insights.’
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